Saturday, 25 December 2010

Bankroll Update

FullTilt $123.40
888Poker $36.88
PokerStars $23.20
UltimateBet $0.08
Neteller $8.52
Total $192.08

Monday, 25 October 2010

Bankroll Update

Full Tilt $84.18
Ultimate Bet $1.57
Poker Stars $83.83
Total $169.58

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Bankroll Update

FullTilt $89.92
UltimateBet $27.88
PokerStars $15.44*
Neteller $0.03
Total $133.27
*PokerStars BR transferred to wifey!

Monday, 31 May 2010

Bankroll Update

FullTilt $74.10*
UltimateBet $28.43
PokerStars $24.94
Neteller $0.03
Total $127.50

*Transferred $10 to Joe, for £7

Sunday, 23 May 2010

Bankroll Update

FullTilt $50.74
UltimateBet $28.98
PokerStars $21.21
Neteller $0.03
Total $100.96

Sunday, 9 May 2010

Bankroll Update

FullTilt $62.65
Pokerstars $19.76
UltimateBet $11.95
NoXWin $4.50
NOIQ $5.27
Neteller $0.03

Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Bankroll Update

FullTilt $38.27
PokerStars $8.38
UltimateBet $16.27
NoXWin $11.79
NOIQ $7.58
Neteller $0.03
Total $82.32

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Bankroll Update

FullTilt $15.50
PokerStars $5.56
UltimateBet $10.98
NoXwin $11.93
NOIQ $9.37
Neteller $0.03*
Total $53.37

*Transferred £100 from Neteller to my bank account

Thursday, 18 February 2010

Bankroll Update

FullTilt $94.15
PokerStars $32.24
UltimateBet $31.49
NOXWIN $11.93
NOIQ $9.37
Neteller $198.27
Total $377.45

Monday, 8 February 2010

Bankroll Update

FullTilt $86.93
PokerStars $232.24
Virgin 0
UltimateBet $31.49
NoXWin $13.06
NOIQ $9.45
Neteller $0.76
Total $373.93*

*Transferred £51 from Neteller to my bank account

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Bankroll Update

FullTilt $23.56
PokerStars $9.00
VirginPoker $4.19
UltimateBet $33.04
NOXWIN $208.04
NOIQ $100.19
Neteller $66.76
Total $444.78

Came 203rd in $277 mtt which I won entry to, out of 836, top 90 got paid, minimum payout was $450

Saturday, 30 January 2010

Bankroll Update

FullTilt $101.12
PokerStars $9.83
VirginPoker $5.68
UltimateBet $31.32
NOIQ $333.39*
Neteller $11.81
Total $493.15

*Plus entry into 200euro($277) buy-in mtt on 31.1.10

Sunday, 10 January 2010

Bankroll Update

FullTilt $285.12
PokerStars $210.61
VirginPoker $87.76
UltimateBet $32.42
NOIQ $60.29
Neteller $1.44
Total $677.64